- Pull
- Create the robot and get the token and your own ID
- Get the Telegram API and hash
- Manually click on the image to deploy, use the host network
Add the following environment variables, the proxy does not need to be added if not required
If you enable uploading to Telegram, select false and map the download directory of aria2 into the robot. Remember that the paths of both should be consistent
The send ID is the user ID, it's the same thing
API_ID: 11111
API_HASH: 11111
BOT_TOKEN: 11111:11111
JSON_RPC_URL: http://11111:6800/jsonrpc
SEND_ID: 11111
# PROXY_IP: #optional proxy IP
# PROXY_PORT: #optional proxy port
UP_TELEGRAM: 'False' #whether to upload to Telegram
Command deployment:
docker run -d
--name arbot
--restart unless-stopped
--log-opt max-size=1m
--network host
-e TZ=Asia/Shanghai
-e API_ID=1111
-e API_HASH=11111
-e BOT_TOKEN=1111
-e JSON_RPC_URL=http://ip:6800/jsonrpc
-e SEND_ID=1111
-e PROXY_IP= #optional proxy IP
-e PROXY_PORT= #optional proxy port
-e UP_TELEGRAM='False' #optional whether to upload to Telegram, if yes, 'true', default 'False'
-v $pwd/downloads:/downloads \ #If uploading to Telegram is enabled, the mapped download directory needs to be used for reading and uploading, and the mapped path should be consistent with the aria2 download path in the container