When an IP or domain name is blocked, you can use CloudFlare Workers for reverse proxying to access the target IP or domain.
- CloudFlare account
- Domain name
Getting Started#
Register and log in to your CloudFlare account.
Go to the Workers tab and click the "Create Service" button.
Enter a service name, leave the rest as default, and then click the "Create" button.
Enter the quick edit mode.
Copy and paste the following code (remember to replace the example domain with your own IP/domain), and then click the "Save and Deploy" button.
addEventListener( "fetch",event => { let url=new URL(event.request.url); url.hostname=""; // Replace with your own node IP/domain let request=new Request(url,event.request); event. respondWith( fetch(request) ) } )
Go to "Triggers" and click "Add Custom Domain".
Enter the subdomain you want to bind (Note: the top-level domain needs to be in your CloudFlare account).
Now you can access the custom domain.